About 2iM


Health Care Provider

The service structure and quality of service are vital to your business

Anticipate the technical visit of the health plan operator and do your self-assessment now!

The evaluation, reclassification and contracting of the network will require a new stance from the healthcare provider

The emerging demand for more health care quality has been triggering changes in the relationships between health plan operators and healthcare service providers.

Operators are preparing or implementing to meet these demands. Therefore, 2iM Medical Intelligence developed the Self.Estructure tool, so that healthcare providers can self-assess and correct any non-conformities evidenced in the diagnosis obtained, thus anticipating the Operator's evaluation visit.

Why should you anticipate yourself and do your self-assessment?

The classification of the network of healthcare providers aims to induce greater quality in health care and the improvement of the patient's experience. ANS RNs 277, 405 and 440 and Law 13.003 define that the entire health service provider network must be evaluated and classified periodically.

Law 13,003 of 2014

Establishes the relationship between operators and providers (contracted, referenced or accredited network). It provides for rules to be complied with, such as: reinforcing the importance of written contracts and guaranteeing the contracted assistance to beneficiaries.

2iM Medical Intelligence supports your organization or practice in this preparation. Self.Structure was developed to assist the health provider in their self-assessment of physical structure, care security, staff sizing, legal requirements, comfort conditions and patient records for each Health Operator.

Self.Structure allows identifying weaknesses and opportunities for improving the services offered, in addition to enabling the implementation of quality processes for care, thus adding value to health actions for patients.

How does Self.Structure work?

When accessing your account, the provider has access to a tutorial – Manual and Explanatory Video about the tool – and to the evaluation form/questionnaire.

At the end of completing the questionnaire, the provider has access to the score of his evaluation (score), the Improvement Opportunities Report (IOR), the dashboard and the action plans.

The contracting of the tool is per evaluation cycle, the provider has a deadline for completing the questions, according to its segment.

Discover more advantages of Self.Structure


Fully web tool

Self.Structure is a single user application, entirely web, which guarantees freedom and flexibility of access (24/7) on the desktop or mobile.


Convenience of use and contracting

The hiring is performed entirely online and the self-assessment can be done, at any time, in the comfort of your institution or even from home.


More-than-complete assessment

It analyzes, in addition to all the mandatory requirements required by ANS, other important and strategic ones to reinforce its level of assistance quality.


Self.Structure is an extremely affordable tool, aimed at different healthcare providers. Identify your institutional profile below and purchase today.

R$ 197,00


Evaluation Cycle:

60 days

Reports Cycle:

1 year

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R$ 297,00



Evaluation Cycle:

90 days

Reports Cycle:

1 year

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R$ 697,00



Evaluation Cycle:

120 days

Reports Cycle:

1 year

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QUALISS – Qualification Program for Health Service Providers

OThe QUALISS Program, of the National Supplementary Health Agency – ANS, instituted by RN 405, consists of the establishment of relevant qualification attributes for the improvement of the quality of care offered by service providers.

For the execution of the Program, ANS also counts on participating entities, which contribute not only in the elaboration of criteria but also in the collection and consolidation of data. They are the Management Entities of Other Quality Programs, among which 2iM is qualified. 

Rua Duque de Caxias, 638, São Francisco 

80530-040 | Curitiba | Paraná | Brasil

+55 41 3018.8732